What did I miss, really?
Miss = rindu

Checking on the oldies pix, looking at the ‘young’ me, the ‘i-know-nothing-bout-real-life’ me,
Sometimes I smiled, most of the time I did-not-smile,
Sometimes I nodded, most of the time I did-not-nod
yet, I miss something..
Do I miss the friends who I used to be with?
Do I miss the ‘jahiliyah’ moments?
Izyan, tepuk dada tanya iman
look at the past,
learn from it,
then move on...
feeling tu normal je...=)
(tak tau nak panggil apa...:P)
jazakillah hu khair saffaa
feel lot better now.
amin waiyyaki...
kalau kita tak kenang jahiliyah tu yg probs...
Saidina Umar pun teringat-ingat zaman jahiliyah dia...
inikan kita...yang jauh beza dgn amirul mukminin..=)
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