Wednesday, November 11, 2009


subhanallah. video ni pendek dan kelakar tapi ada pengajaran. merokok dekat dengan kematian. yes, true. it doesn't mean that i know when the death is going to overtake us (only Allah knows), but the fact that they harm their body by smoking seems like they 'are begging' to Allah, to take the nikmat of healthy body.

hish, dah lah hidup ni sekejap je. tak perlu la nak singkatkan lagi dengan hisap rokok.

i am the anti- smoker. i hate smokers to the extend that i will close my nose if they smoke near to me. it seems that i am showing my discomfort openly and not respecting the person, but, who cares?. they don't deserve my respect. i know it's harsh, but have you ever think what they think when they smoke openly? they don't even think of their loved ones' health, what more the public.

Living to study in Australia for nearly 2 years is enough for me to fall in love with it. with efficient and sophisticated technology, friendly services, facilities, beautiful scenery, and many more, they are all perfect except one. smokers are everywhere.

rasa macam semua peringkat umur pun merokok, dari remaja, dewasa, orang tua, lelaki, perempuan, rural, urban, xkira dari negara mana pun, etc etc etc. semua pun merokok. everywhere except tempat larangan merokok. kalau pergi Brisbane city tu, pening rasa dengan asap rokok especially bila duduk atas seating chairs depan kedai- kedai. seriously, i can't stand living in such environment.

at least in Malaysia, before i left, the smokers are among the men, the women are some smokers but not so obvious like here.

i was brought out by a non- smoker dad. but i had my grand dad who was a smoker, in fact heavy smoker. bukak puasa pun dengan rokok dulu.

but, alhamdulillah wa syukurillah, last night when i talked to him, he said that he quit smoking. by now it should be 6 months since his last dose. =)

alhamdulillah. only Allah knows how happy i was hearing to that. i know it's hard to leave it once addicted, but yeah, he did it.

i pray to Allah to bless and grant that doctor, who advised and help my grand dad, so Allah gives him every best thing in life and may Allah reward him with the best rewards.

i believe the doctor has done his 'dakwah' job perfectly (of course with Allah's help) to make all this happen. dakwah means amal maaruf nahi mungkar, mengajak ke arah kebaikan dan meninggalkan kejahatan.

so, doctors, bagi lah nasihat banyak- banyak kepada perokok tegar agar mereka pun berubah ye!

p/s: kan seronok kalau Malaysia betul- betul buat sistem macam tu. nampak orang nak hisap rokok, pergi baca yasin kat dia supaya ingat mati sikit.

"cukuplah mati sebagai peringatan"


HbO said...

wa..kita sehati sejiwa la..
baca entry ni macam ada orang dgr luahan hati kita selama ni.. hehe!

jum kita terus anti-rokok!
Kita pun selalu tutup hidung bila dkt ngan org merokok, dgn alasan sama..if they cant respect me, why should i respect them! hhuhu

nurilahi said...

comelnye video tu...klakar..hopefully people can take the message not just laughing looking at it.

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari kegundahan hati dan kesedihan,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari sifat lemah dan malas,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari sifat penakut dan bakhil,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari lilitan hutang dan tekanan orang.
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