Friday, September 3, 2010

..Random facts..

ni tak tau attempt ke berapa dah nak update this blog

i'm so jealous with rakan persejuangan who always have the ideas to update their blog. i want to but i always give it a second thought. people says, when you give something good a second thought, you will never do it again. yes, it applies to me.

ramadhan this time, is not as 'hot' as ramadhan i ever had in Australia. i could feel the differences. what more, now i am so full with school matter (practicum teacher la katakan)
i miss my dearest akhowat in brisbane, the time we had together, the activities we did together everyday every week . ukhti ramadhan, iftar jamaie, mosque hopping, hafazan.. ah, i miss all of them.

it's not fair to complain here since the situation and time are totally different now. (but, somehow, how positive thinking i have in it, i'll still miss brisbane and keep comparing)

ramadhan this time is also a BIG difference to me. it is without Mek. the last time i had puasa with mek was two years before, before i flew to brisbane. when i was in brisbane, i prayed hard to have another chance to fast with Mek, but Allah knows best. He loves Mek more than us. Mek left us on 13th July 2010 (Mek's last breath in Kuala Krai at the same time I was in 4 Maju class teaching them about dead leaves).

ah, a lot of things have happened to me this year. but i believe, Allah has really good reasons for it. hard to endure but the experiences might be beneficial for me in future.

school is okay. have been 'hentam' by parents few times. made a lot of mistakes. but one thing for sure, i know myself better. sometimes, i feel that i am not meant to be a teacher. it's just hard to get up every morning and go to school (as my routine). ah, how do i live this life for another 30 years at least! =) May Allah give me strength.

tomorrow i am going back to Kuala Krai. really can't wait. after 2 years of fasting as a foreigner in the land down under. have few dishes in mind to eat.. hehe. God, really can't wait. Thanks Allah for this feeling.

p/s: it's sooooo random..


Anonymous said...

talkin about 'been hentam', I experienced once durin my prac. I wanted to make something different by giving each kid a file folder and a lot of task sheets instead of a normal routine: writing /copying in the exercise book. Soon, the parents claim that English teacher didn't turn up / has not came into the class for many weeks! I then was lectured by my supervisor. it was a little bit hurt but lessons learnt.

changes need time.
everything that seems good by us might be perceived the other way around by people.
ALWAYS consult with experienced ones before doin ANYTHIN that involves others.

btw, once you become a real teacher, i am quite sure u'l feel good.--like me :)

or maybe you can think of somethin big n precious that is waitin for you after all the sacrifices done.

insha allah, we can make it!

Kak lin

Izyan Hamizah said...

akak, can't believe that u r still reading my blog =). haven't blogged for quite some time.

yes, definitely. can't agree more. i tried to do something different with sts and it really gave a 'something different'. well, alhamdulillah. i'm glad Allah gives me such a good cooperating teacher. she keeps on advising me and telling me what's wrong and what's not.

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari kegundahan hati dan kesedihan,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari sifat lemah dan malas,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari sifat penakut dan bakhil,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari lilitan hutang dan tekanan orang.
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::kind readers::