Saturday, April 21, 2012

...know the secret behind your birth date...

Do i make myself sound like a tok nujum????

I always want to blog about this long time ago. But, I do weigh the pros and the cons of posting it here since there are certain people who are 'allergic' with this. They would just go straight to the conclusion saying that this is a scam or tilik nasib. Yeah, go ahead. But I know you've taken a peek!! But, do bear in mind, this is my personal blog and we have human right. as long it doesn't harm anybody, I consider it alright + please read my explanation first...

Well, I did attend the seminar long time ago (if you consider last year - a long time ago like me), but it was not conducted by Dr. Azizan himself. It was some sort of his 'anak murid' who dengan baik hati (baik ade makne sih!!) conducted the seminar for just RM50 (berbanding session dengan Azizan RM500 - from what i heard).
and for your information, i joined it by accident - meaning i didn't really plan, nor seek for it. (~sigh~, but, finally i admit, i do feel grateful)

See,   the core reason for this seminar is to fully understand our potential, weakness and strength. We are able to fully recognize the characters of our children, colleagues, friends, or someone you just know for few minutes =P (kalau rase nak tengok serba sedikit how he/she is).

He said, you can determine what career is suitable for you or your kids based on the potentials, weaknesses and strengths stated. 
(i should be an accountant - based on my tarikh lahir - no wonder la dulu, when i had to choose between science stream or accounting stream, i did feel like choosing the latter - tapi i ended up choosing science sebab glamour boleh duduk kelas number 1 sedangkan if i choose accounting, kena blaja kelas ke-3 =P serve me right. memang sangat minat accountancy ni) 

Told you, personally I know myself better (not that i never know myself before) but it somehow explains why I'm like this, meaning why I'm always feel calm walaupun orang buat jahat camne sekalipun, why I forgive someone so easily, why i think i'm selfless sometimes and selfish at the other time. 

It helps me understand my siblings too like, why Lee can easily influence people with his words, why Amirul suke sangat stylo (yang sangat menjengkelkan perasaan abang dan kakaknye - oh, yes, including me) why Iroh selalu moody tak tentu pasal (i know she's reading this hahaha =P) 

for those who dont know what the h is this, this is called a metaphysic approach where a research has been made since thousand years ago. It recognizes peoples behavior and it has been experimented to billions of people so it may be accurate up to 90%. But the advisor said, human being do have nurture influence. meaning, environments (family upbringing, friends) that surround the person do take into consideration. so, it explains why the person may slightly different with what said from RTL (Rahsia Tarikh Lahir). 

Just to add on, we can use this input and implement it in our daily lives/career/business so that we can sack the negativity, improve our ability, cherish our positivity and take advantage of our potential. [like what i do to myself - to always do (good things)what people advise me to do  - because i have tendency to just listen without doing =P ]

"Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan seseorang itu jika dia tidak berusaha mengubah diri sendiri"

So, I think it's a good thing to share with others (those who think it's good lah - kalau xgood - sila click X di bahagian kanan paparan skrin anda - atau pun lagi cepat, click shut down je) 

thus, Let's get down to the business.. yoshhhhhhhhhhh...
For example my birthday is 06/11/1987. So put it this way:
AB / CD / EFGH. Please have calculator with you its faster (tapi, tambah2 simple je kot - takkan la otak xleh nak congak langsung =P)

Figure 1: How to calculate

Figure 2: Result of calculation


Look at my number outside the triangle on the right, how do i get 8+4= 3?
Yes the answer is 12. But 12 is a two digit number. So it is crucial that you bear in mind to change it to one digit.
12 ---> 1+2= 3
So the final number is 8+4= 3

Figure 3: My chassis number (in pink box)

Determine your chassis number. My chassis number is 6-2-6 which i call my code number. So i have the number only 2 and 6. 

Ok if you have the same code number mcm 3-3-3, it's ok you are normal (bukannye alien atau ET). Cuma u ada 3 times perangai yang dinyatakan. haha like me, i have two times number 6, so i mata duitan 2 times. haha. terdengar ka-ching ka-ching di situ $_$ BTW, itu Dr Azizan ckp k? ;P

Alright!! Let's check your personality !!!

WHO HAS IT? Apek, Idah, Ma
  • Bijak 
  • Boleh jadi pemimpin (natural born leader) 
  • Tidak suka dengar arahan orang lain *memang betul utk manusia2 di atas =P*
  • Tidak percaya kebolehan orang lain. Dia rasa die lagi bagus.
  • Suka memerhatikan orang 
  • Kreatif 
  • Banyak idea 
  • Pantang dicabar 
  • Dilihat sebagai seorang yang sombong tapi baik 
  • Berdikari 
  • Positive thinking 
  • Sentiasa nak menang 
  • Keras kepala 
  • Sangat sentisitif dan suka berdendam 
  • Selalu dipijak pijak 
  • Perfectionist 
  • High expectation 
  • Terlalu berterus terang 

WHO HAS IT? I, Iroh & Yo

  • Mudah keliru *iye*
  • Susah buat keputusan *dah terang lagi bersuluh*
  • Easy to manipulate *agree jugak. but have learnt not to trust people much*
  • Ada kekuatan suara *memang suke menjerit =P*
  • Tidak boleh tertekan dlm membuat keputusan *ada je pasal keputusan, please dont involve me*
  • Jujur *kau bau busuk, tepi sikit!! =P*
  • Suka pada kebersihan *ahha*
  • Tenang *not really, i think i'm kelam kabut jugak*
  • Dengar tapi tidak semestinya dia buat *seriously betul* 
  • Memahami *trying to*
  • Mudah bersabar *msih jgk ade kesabaran*
  • Mudah simpati *meleleh air mata nangis tengok kucing makan tulang ikan je =P*
  • Mudah memaafkan *agree*
  • Tidak tetap dalam membuat keputusan *haha, betul jugak. nak kawen ngan A ke B ni ek?* 
  • Sangat- sangat emosional *ayyo- no lah.. susah nak nangis jugak.. hati batu kayu konkrit*
  • High jealousy *betul sih*
  • Boleh dipercayai *agree =D*
  • Pengikut yang bagus *yup2*
  • Tahap kesabaran yang tinggi *tinggi melangit - motor datang cium Mr.K sampai calar pun boleh relaks lg - tp membebel bile call TP erggggh fail * 

WHO HAS IT? Apek, Lee, Iroh, Idah, Abah (2X), TP

  • Aktif 
  • Mudah popular 
  • Menawan semasa muda *mse muda je.. mase tua kerepot 14*
  • Senang diberi tanggungjawab
  • Mudah berkawan, kepoh 
  • Baran 
  • Kerja siap cepat tetapi tidak sempurna 
  • Kurang kesabaran 
  • Peramah 
  • Nafsu tinggi 
  • Suka mengikut fesyen terkini 
  • Semangat tinggi 
  • Kreatif 
  • Artistic
  • Egois 
  • Suka kritik secara terbuka 
  • Suka mengawal 

  • Suka merancang
  • Suka mencari ilmu dan belajar
  • Membuat kajian sebelum buat keputusan
  • Kemahiran tinggi (If your kids have this number, engineer is a good profession cuz mereka mahir dalam bidang technical)
  • Bijak
  • Tidak mudah putus asa
  • Sukar simpan wang
  • Rajin. Kerja, etc
  • Keras kepala, susah ubah fikiran
  • Suka bersangka buruk pd org lain
  • Sgt kedekut dgn org yg tidak dikenali
  • Suka logik
  • Tidak berani ambil risiko
  • Setia
  • Takut orang tipu dia, end up selalu kena tipu

  • Suka mencari peluang, arah dan direction
  • Workaholic 
  • Suka travel
  • Mudah naik pangkat
  • Their motto is "Life is a learning process"
  • Ada genetic degil
  • Adventurous
  • Bertenaga
  • Citarasa tinggi
  • Bernafsu tinggi
  • Bijak
  • Berani ambil risiko
  • Minat berniaga (bisnes minded over gila)
  • Suka shopping dan boros
  • Angin turun naik
  • Suka bertangguh
  • Daya tarikan tinggi (charming)
  • Sexy (If perempuan) 

WHO HAS IT? I (2X), Ma & Yo
  • Mata duitan *erkkk*
  • Suka mengawal wang *berjimat cermat amalan mulia =P*
  • High taste *iye btul - sy nak husband kaya, tinggi, beriman, hensem, blaja oversea, ergggh sudahlah kauuuuu.. demand lebeyyyy*
  • Kekeluargaan *iye jugak*
  • Pendamai dua pihak bertelagah *ntah la....*
  • Jujur *yet, another jujur. aku 3 times jujur. sape nak tau dia busuk ke tak, tanya saya. actually ade orng ckp i'm honest. even muka pun xleh tipu. benci sngt bile org tau what i feel hanya dengan lihat muka, dan org tu sememang nye betul.. ni too honest ni. makan tuan*
  • Penyayang *sangat la penyayang kan??? sambil cubit2 lengan orang tu*
  • Mengambil berat *emm, i mmg ske beli weight scale. sape nk pnjam dtg la.. =P*
  • Tidak pentingkan diri sendiri *ye btul. kdg2 tu org lain lebih utama dr diri sendiri*
  • Menegakkan keadilan *errr, sy xpenah mengundi lagi ni =P*
  • Tamak *yeahhhh, i want money money money*
  • Bijak *oh ye ke??*


  • Love to argue *TP mmg suke cari gaduh =P*
  • Senang dapat pengikut atau penyokong
  • Senang berkawan
  • Cerewet
  • Popular
  • Suka benda mistik
  • Suka berfalsafah
  • Pendendam
  • Analytical (suka kaji dalam2)
  • Ada kekuatan kerohanian
  • Good instinct
  • Sensitive with surrounding
  • Suka menyendiri
  • Suka berfikir

WHO HAS IT? TP, Iroh, Yo

  • Bertanggungjawab
  • Boleh dipercayai
  • Pertahankan kawan
  • Keras kepala
  • Suka teratur
  • Suka membantu dan baik hati
  • Mudah simpati hingga tertipu
  • Mudah tertekan, tak reti have fun.*Dr Azizan ckp their face selalu masam jer. haha btoolllll*
  • Instinct hebat, boleh jd bomoh
  • Setia *i like =P*
  • Materialistik
  • Suka kuasa
  • Ambitious

WHO HAS IT? Abah, Lee
  • Good in public relation
  • Senang dapat kawan
  • Suka bergaya kemas
  • Senang menarik hati org tua
  • Bijak
  • Global thinking
  • Penyayang
  • Suka kongsi dan suka memberi
  • Sensitive
  • Ikhlas
  • Romantis 
  • Berbakat
  • Understanding
  • Gentleman (if lelaki)
  • Emosional
  • Jiwang 
  • Love yang over 

If the number inside the blue box (Figure 4 below - ampunkan gmbr, blogger telah weng lalu menyengetkan my picture) is the same, in other words the number in the blue box is same both left and right, u have "nombor cermin". 


Anda mudah hebat/popular dan sepatutnya jadi org hebat/popular. Sila lah kembangkan hidung hehe. Means that you are able to be great and successful if you fully use your potential, know your potential and you follow the right direction@system that suits you. Sesiapa yang tidak ada nombor ini jgn gusar, kerana anda juga boleh berjaya.

Note: if you fully use your potential

WHO HAS IT? Ma. Abah, TP, Apek

Figure 4

The next section is hardcore! You have 16 circular box right? ALL 16 number inside the circular box can be used for combination of the number below. For example i have number 6,2,1,6,8,7,6,6,5,1,8,4,3,4,5,9.

And here are the meaning if you have the combination of:

1 2 3 @ 1 2 *i have* apek, lee, iroh, abah 
  • Ada kekuatan/bakat/anugerah suara
  • Boleh ckp laju
  • Kadang2 ckp xserupa bikin/ ckp kosong
  • Suka ckp lepas/suka lawan ckp org
  • Boleh berhujah/berdebat (If your kids have this number, galakkan masuk debat@syair whatsoever)

4 2 6 @ 2 4 lee
  • Pandai ceramah dan syarahan
  • Suka share ilmu
  • Boleh jadi motivator

8 4 3 *i have* TP, Idah, ma
  • Mudah bosan
  • Banyak angan2
  • Sukar berjaya if not focus
  • Selalu cari peluang baru/kejayaan

5 7 3 ma, idah
  • Senang bergaul dengan vip/atasan
  • Orang atasan senang percaya cakap dia
  • Senang disabotaj, senang sabotaj org

9 1 1 lee, TP, iroh, idah, ma
  • Suka berdikari
  • Susah ada partner sendiri dlm syarikat
  • Susah ada rakan kongsi, sebab selalu bertentangan pendapat
  • Suka buat keputusan sendiri
  • Boleh jd org tengah
  • Mudah berjaya atas usaha sendiri
  • Keras kepala
  • Senang dikhiniati org

1 1 1 1 @ 6 6 6 6 @ 1 6 1 6 *ma, yo*
Suka fikir dalam2, xsuka share, mudah kecewa, tekanan emosi

4 5 6 *i have* yo 
  • Bole jd akauntan dan uruskan kewangan (Yeah Dr Azizan ckp pekerjaan sesuai adalah accountant!blurgh lagi)
  • Mudah terlibat dgn rasuah @ penyelewengan wang.
9 9 9 abah
Banyak peluang dalam hidup hingga jadi tamak, kesunyian, suka tinggal tmpat dikelilingi pokok

3 3 3 @ 8 8 8 apek, iroh
  • Mudah tertekan
  • Panas baran
  • Berpontensi jd org berpengaruh dan berkuasa
  • Pendendam
  • Degil
  • Selalu resah gelisah, perlu belajar relax!

4 5 9 *i have* (that explains why i can't plan) apek, iroh, abah
Sukar dapat sesuatu dengan merancang, ada gerak hati yang kuat

6 7 *i have* ma, yo, TP
Senang belanja org

1 5 6 *i have* yo (so far, i xpenah dpt gaji di tanah Kelantan)
Kerja outstation rezeki lebih baik

1 8 9 *apek, lee, idah, yo, TP
Suka melancong, suka bergerak dan sentiasa tertekan

8 3 ma, lee, idah, (err, tp i think ma n idah suke dok rmh)
Suka aktiviti luar rumah, xsuka stay in ofis@rumah

3 3 6 *apek, iroh,abah, ma (err, cashflow active)
Kebocoran wang. Duit senang masuk, senang keluar

7 2 9 @ 2 7 @ 2 5 7
I, idah, yo *yeay, and i like this one so much*

  • Ada pelaris semulajadi
  • Daya tarikan yang tinggi secara semulajadi
  • Menawan
  • Senang dapat penyokong/pengikut
  • Mudah yakinkan orang tetapi mudah teryakin
  • Mudah disabotaj
  • Kawan tidak setia sebab jealous!
  • Hati2 dengan hubungan sulit sebab people are easily attracted to us bebeh!
  • Boleh jadi Pengarah syarikat, Ahli politik, Marketing, Pelakon, Penyanyi, Networking, and the best is JUTAWAN!

Well, this is my analysis towards my closest individuals based on what i got from the seminar + website i found by Dr. Azizan. 


P/S: So which one is yours?

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Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari kegundahan hati dan kesedihan,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari sifat lemah dan malas,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari sifat penakut dan bakhil,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari lilitan hutang dan tekanan orang.
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::kind readers::