i never mentioned once in ~TINTA~ about my school's sports day that happened on last Thursday (28th June 2012), right?
it's okay. since i have second blog, i always neglect ~TINTA~ oh, i'm sorry...
i think i better cut and paste what i wrote on my second blog since i am lazy to remember how the day went in greater details. btw, the copy pasted post pun is not very detailed =) (xde la sampai nk cerite, every minute tu jadi ape kan!!)
tapi kan, tahun ni memang catat sejarah (so far!!) because GPK Ko-Ku (guru penolong kanan ko-kurikulum) made me a gila kuasa person.. hahaha. why? merata2 nama i kat dalam surat pemberitahuan pembahagian tugas.. AJK hadiah, penyelaras pasukan, AJK persembahan, and the one that made my eyes came out was, PENGACARA MAJLIS... whadda!!!!!!
i tengok nama orang lain satu atau dua je.. huh, so i can make two conclusions here, she trusts and likes my work or she wants to buli me really best!!.. but being an optimistic, i chose the first one. hahahaha. (to boost my motivation).
what i like best mase meeting hari sukan tu was the GPK 1 (the post higher than GPK Ko-Ku and lower than GB) back me up. she said, i would have to0 much work on that day and why didn't she give some of the workload to other teachers. hahahaha, terase disayangi. but still the GPK Ko-ku mempertahankan reason dia memilih i. whatever la kan!!! then, a few teachers offered me some help. so last skali, on that day, i was just focusing on being an MC, sebab xde org nk ganti.. sobs.
dah la first time jadi MC Sports Day. serioulsy, i had cold feet. and even went 'melabur' mase orang tengah nyanyi lagu kebangsaan. hahahaha.. agak kurang asam di situ. tapi nak buat mcm mne. nature called. =P
so, in point note, here was some interesting yet shameful moments i had. =P enjoy laughing!!
1. after the perasmian, my partner emcee left me because he had to
handle the games. can you imagine how gabra i was to handle the event ON
MY OWN? if you have been a sport event emcee, then you should know how
kelam kabut it is..
2. some games are not liaised with the tentative i had in hand... asyik kene say "maafkan saya or i'm sorry" je. =P
3. i think i was the most quiet sport's event emcee sebab i was so kelu during the first half of the event.
4. but, when it came to acara sukaneka yang diadakan right in front of khemah
urusetia, i just grabbed the mic and spoke spontaneously. hah, time ni
dah jadi gila mic pulak. riuh rendah padang tu dengan sorakan
budak-budak, parents, cikgu-cikgu and terselit jugak suara chipmunk/high
pitch emcee. hahahaha..
5. dapat feedback from the audiences yang kata, last part (sukaneka part), i was like a real deejay. happening sangat (kata mereka- mereka yang berkenaan yang terpaksa dianonymouskan supaya tak terlebih glamorous dari emcee =P) and one of the pekerja mentioned, orang2 kampung kata emcee hari ni ceria (err, in a good way) alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal, ya Allah.
6. surprisingly, i enjoyed being an emcee. ^_^ (hah sudah, dah jadi gila mic la pulak!!! larik!!!!!!)
7. at this particular moment, i tersalah panggil nama penyampai hadiah
by HIS FATHER'S NAME!!!!! melenting gurau-gurau jugak pak cik tu (ampun
encik DOLMAT, eh silap encik DAUD.. okay, his name is encik DAUD DOLMAT.
glamorous sangat nama ayah dia, sebab tu tersasul... hahahahaha *gelak golek golek* =P
8. yang kelakar nye, lepas je abis penyampaian hadiah tarik tali
parents, sume orang terus balik, tinggal cikgu- cikgu skolah, pekerja
and few pupils to help kemas apa2 yang patut.. hahaha.. cuti peristiwa
pun xsempat nak umum. kuang kuang kuang..
9. sebab kesuntukan masa, because it was already 6.15pm, rumah sukan terbaik, johan perbarisan, olahragawan, olahragawati tidak diumumkan. orang kampung balik mcm tu je. hadooiiii...
well, thank god, it's finally over. haha. memang hari memalukan diri sendiri, but i learnt a lot. the most important is i had given my best and prayed hard so that next year, orang lain pulak MC. hehehe..
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