Monday, April 6, 2009

...ampuni aku ya Allah...

"Bukankah Dia yang memperkenankan (doa) orang yang dalam kesulitan apabila dia berdoa kepadaNya, dan menghilangkan kesusahan dan menjadikan kamu (manusia) sebagai khalifah (pemimpin) di bumi? Apakah di samping Allah ada tuhan (yang lain)? sedikit sekali nikmat Allah (yang kamu ingat) " (27:62)

What will you feel when there is one time that you are so depressed, sad, down, hated yourself for being you, hated yourself just because you can't berlapang dada' with your friends, hated yourself for you keep on doing the small sins, hated yourself for not born as 'perfect' person with no mistakes and sins at all, and you start to have negative perception on Allah, then, when you purposely open the Quran with the hope that Allah will still shed you some light and console you from being so negative about this life, and all your eyes can see is just this ayah?

Will you not feel the love that He is trying to give to you? Will you not feel the consolation that He is trying to do to you? Will you not feel there is a lot of lights He has given to you? Will you not feel the 'amaran' and 'ingatan' He has conveyed to you?

Subhanallah, betapa indahnya menjadi hambaNya.. despite of all the hardships as well as negative perceptions a servant has put on Him, He still gives the way out which is just pray for Him and He will grant it.. Subhanallah, Subhanallah, Subhanallah... and simultaneously it comes with a reminder that out of so much nikmat and mercy He bless, the servant just returns to Him the small portion of 'kesyukuran'... such ungrateful servant, it is...

PadaMu ku Bersujud (Afghan)

Ku menatap dalam kelam
tiada yang bisa ku lihat
selain hanya nama Mu ya Allah
Esok ataukah nanti
ampuni semua salahku
lindungi aku dari segala fitnah
kau tempatku meminta
kau beriku bahagia
jadikan aku selamanya
hambaMu yang selalu bertaubat
Ampuniku Ya Allah
yang sering melupakanMu
saat Kau limpahkan karuniaMu
dalam sunyi aku bersujud

~~Ya Allah, apa lagi yang perlu aku minta padaMu,
~~sedangkan nikmatMu terlalu banyak padaku,
~~Sehingga tak kan cukup syukurku padaMu,
~~Ya Allah, Ya Afuww..
~~Ampunilah aku, segala dosa-dosaku..

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Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari kegundahan hati dan kesedihan,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari sifat lemah dan malas,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari sifat penakut dan bakhil,
Dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari lilitan hutang dan tekanan orang.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

::kind readers::